We were asked to frame some Picasso plates for an exhibition in New York. The plates had to be securely fixed for exhibition hanging and for transport to the USA and back. The plates were to be framed in a similar way to those in the Musée Picasso in Le Chateau Grimaldi, Antibes, France. We were fortunate enough to visit the museum that summer and view the plates at close hand.
Custom made, acrylic, locking brackets were fitted to the irregularly shaped plates with wool felt pads to dampen vibration. The bracket and plate were then very securely attached onto a plywood backboard and fitted into deep, oak box frames with acrylic glazing: a secondary backboard concealed the secure fixing and allowed for further thick felt for vibration dampening. We have, subsequently, framed several Picasso plates in a similar way for other clients.
Pablo Picasso Head of Goat, 1950
Pablo Picasso, Picasso Madoura Ceramic, Profil de Jacqueline, 1956
Picasso Plates. Musée Picasso, Antibes, Provence, France